Saturday, October 10, 2015

Muzz Buzz Chai Latte

Today's Cup: Muzz Buzz, Chai Latte

Price: $4.90 (Take Away)

Taste: Very sweet, flavour of cinnamon and vanilla
A little too sweet for my taste buds (on the sickly side). Good cinnamon-to-vanilla ratio through. Mainly milk with little froth on top.

Rating: 2.5 Cups (out of 5)

The Chai Challenge

My taste buds are a big fan of chai and consequencly I have decided to take on the Chai Lattes of Perth. I drink quite a lot of chai (both tea and lattes) so I have decided to share my chai knowledge with fellow chai lovers. I am interested to see if I have any other chai-loving-bloggers out there, particularly in Perth, or if this will be a solo blogging journey. So drink away my fellow Chai friends! The Chai Lover x